Becoming Savvy Syllabication Sleuths, Part 1

Syllabication Strategies, part 1   Do you watch your students read quickly and easily through short, 1 syllable words, only to mumble and bumble when longer words appear in their stories? They know their consonants and vowels, so what’s the problem? The problem is they aren’t sure how to tackle longer, multisyllabic words with confidence.…

Developing Writerly Voices

Developing Writerly Voices, 5 Minutes a Day   As a new teacher, I was stumped when it came to writing instruction.  I had interesting prompts, visuals of the recursive writing process, graphic organizers, rubrics and mini-lessons to support students’ understanding of all of these important instructional tools.  We wrote every day – we wrote in…

Talking to Kids About Books

Parents at home, and teachers in classrooms, virtual or physical, have long asked us to help them create a list of some tips for conferring, or talking to children about the books they are reading, without having to have read every book. These tips will help you have conversations that are powerful and productive and…

The Problem with Your Writers

Knee-deep in the fall of the school year, you take stock of your current successes. Maybe your launch of Readers’ Workshop is growing avid bibliophiles. Perhaps an intervention strategy is yielding gains among your most vulnerable students. Maybe you finally carved out time to enjoy your lunch at 4:00PM on the ride home. While the…