TLA Supports Teachers
The demands on educators are extensive. Teachers are juggling shifts from the pandemic, highly personalized instruction for all students, proliferating classroom technology, and new educator evaluation systems, among other initiatives. Teachers are expected to master new approaches while simultaneously working to accelerate student growth and close existing gaps in achievement. A partnership with Teaching and Learning Alliance can help teachers tackle and master this work.
How can Teaching and Learning Alliance help Teachers?
We provide dynamic, customized support for teachers in partner districts through strategic professional learning models, including the following:
- Workshops
- Multi-day institutes (school year, vacation weeks, or summer)
- In-class coaching
- Demonstration lessons
- Curriculum planning and mini lesson mapping with grade level teams, departmental teams, and individual teachers
- Learning walks with classroom teachers
- Guided observation programs (hosted visits to other TLA partner schools to observe and analyze best practices)
- Study groups
- Professional book clubs
- Lab Classrooms
- Informal needs assessments